Camping at Scouting Estate Zeewolde is possible in both summer and winter. This way you can camp almost all year round on our beautiful natural camping site. Take a break and see for yourself what benefits camping in nature has to offer. Can't you wait anymore? Book a site for your adventure now! The countdown to your stay can now really begin!

Adventurous camping in nature
Are you also looking forward to an adventure in a beautiful place in nature? Then come and camp at the nature camping site of Scouting Estate Zeewolde! Camping is possible in small groups, but large groups are also very welcome. There are also more than 50 different camping fields. Our site is a natural camping site, which means that you will wake up every day in beautiful nature. Would you rather camp outside the dike on the banks of the water or sheltered in the forest inside the dike? It's all possible at Scouting Estate Zeewolde. Relax, experience activities, take walks or simply enjoy the surroundings: you feel completely free at Scouting Estate Zeewolde. Unfortunately, caravans, campers, trailer tents and dogs are not allowed on the estate.
Scouting estate Zeewolde is also very suitable for water scouts or other water sports enthusiasts. View all (water) activities that the estate has to offer on the next page: Activities on the Scouting Estate. Don't feel like camping: use the Adventure House, in the middle of the Scouting estate.